Browsing: Arab-Brazilian Chamber

Lawyer William Adib Dib Jr. took over the presidency of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday night (28). Previously serving as Vice President of Foreign Trade under Osmar Chohfi’s administration and of Syrian descent, he plans to enhance services for businesses.

The Arab-Brazilian Chamber has announced the balance of the Halal do Brasil project, through which, together with ApexBrasil, it promotes Brazilian halal products in Muslim-majority markets. A total of 124 companies have been supported by the program, and the number of countries reached is increasing.

In partnership with the Arab-Brazilian Chamber, the Brazilian Embassy in the UAE held an event to celebrate Brazil’s Independence and the 50th anniversary of relations with the Arab nation. Diplomat Sidney Leon Romeiro said the relationship between the two countries is a success story.

Event organized by the Brazilian Association of Defense and Security Materials Industries began on Tuesday (3) in Brasília. The fair includes a booth from the Arab-Brazilian Chamber, Arab-funded exhibitors, and delegations from the region.

Egypt’s ambassador to Brazil, Mai Taha Khalil, is having business-related meetings in São Paulo this week. Welcomed by leaders of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber, she said Brazil-Egypt relations are progressing well in the political sphere but need to advance in trade and investments.