The organisation’s CEO, Michel Alaby, should present a talk on how to do business with the Arabs. The event in the city of São Paulo is on Thursday. A building fair in Dubai will be highlighted.
Author: Marcos Carrieri
The building sector fair is scheduled to take place in Dubai in November and the Fiesc should organize a delegation to the Emirates in the period. Businessmen should also visit Abu Dhabi.
The South of the country will become independent on Saturday (9), but it is still essential to agree, with the northern neighbour, where Abyei region will go and how oil revenues will be shared.
For the first time, a picture by the Spanish painter is exhibited in Ramallah, in the West Bank. ‘Buste de Femme’ crossed Israeli blockades before reaching the exhibition site.
Omar Alawi, who is in charge of football in the country, visited teams Corinthians and São Paulo and the São Paulo State Football Federation seeking partners.
Domestic market is going strong in Brazil, but faces Chinese competition. Meanwhile, the Arab countries may receive more products from the sector.
After almost one century of work, the Assyrian Dictionary by the University of Chicago is ready and preserves words that have not been spoken for almost 2,000 years.
Farmer grows the flowers on the mountain range near the border with the state of Piauí. The international market used to absorb the whole production, but now domestic consumption earns the cash.
The institution evaluates that emerging markets, like Brazil, have strong growth, but says that the United States, Japan and the Euro Zone have difficulties to retake economic growth.
An Institute of Applied Economic Research study with 170 international organisations shows a worse May than February evaluation, though still neutral: neither positive nor negative.
A forest standing generates billions in revenues, but requires investment and handling plan, which in turn take a long time. Survey shows gains in the Amazon could reach US$ 36.5 billion in 25 years.
University of São Paulo creates a space to encourage academic projects on Asia and the Middle East. The first book with articles will be released in August.
A study made by the Ministry of Environment and the UN reveals, for instance, that the Amazon could earn over US$ 757 million per year from extracting wood properly.
The country is attending the meeting in Kazakhstan as an observer member. The aim, according to the Brazilian foreign ministry, is to promote relations with the Muslim nations.