São Paulo – Jordan announced that international flights will resume at the Queen Alia International Airport next Tuesday (8). The information was made public by minister of State for Media Affairs and government spokesperson Amjad Adaileh, and reported on by the state-run Jordan News Agency (Petra).
Requirements for foreign travelers vary according to Covid-19 incidence rates in their countries of origin, with each country being assigned green, yellow or red status.
All travelers are required to take a PCR test 72 hours before the flight, and to quarantine for a week prior to arrival. Travelers not providing PCR test results will undergo a two-week quarantine. Travelers from green countries must take a Covid-19 test upon arrival and undergo a week-long quarantine if they test negative.
Travelers from yellow countries must undergo a weeklong quarantine and get tested on the fifth or sixth day, and then quarantine for an additional week. Requirements for red countries are the same as yellow ones, plus wearing a bracelet during quarantine.
According to minister Adaileh, the requirements apply to all non-nationals entering the country. He said comprehensive healthcare and prevention measures will be taken in reopening the airport. Travelers are free to leave the country, as long as there are flights available and the destination countries accept them.
Queen Alia Airport was closed for almost six months as a result of the pandemic. The reopening comes as Jordan pushes to rekindle its highly tourism-dependent economy, Saudi Arabian newspaper Arab News said on its website. Jordan gets some 5 million tourists a year, and the industry accounts for 14% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
A strict curfew was enforced to keep Covid-19 at bay. Jordan was one of the least affected Arab countries and is considered a role model in containing the virus. There have been 2,097 registered cases and only 15 deaths from Covid-19 in the country, as per the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum