São Paulo – The chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of Libya in Brazil, Osama Sawan (center, picture above), visited the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce’s office in São Paulo this Thursday (28). “We want to follow on the agreements we’ve already signed. We see Brazil as a great power that leads Latin America,” said Sawan in interview to ANBA.
The diplomat started working in the embassy in Brazil last January and said he has seen some progress in the bilateral relations with his country, whose elections are going to be defined in a meeting at the League of the Arab States. When talking about the role that Brazilian companies have played at construction in Libya, the diplomat said he hopes the Brazilian government collaborates with the Libyan people acting at the reconstruction of the country.
According to him, the embassy is fostering actions such as bringing Libyan entrepreneurships to Brazil. “We have to promote meetings between Brazilian and Libyan entrepreneurships. That is why I’m at the Arab Brazilian Chamber today,” stated Sawan, who has been in touch with Libyan Ministry of Economy to start organizing the arrival of a delegation to Brazil.
Among the areas of investments, Sawan highlights that Libya searchers for infrastructure, construction and agribusiness. “We are an agricultural country. We have to advance in technology in this sector,” he said, stressing that Libya is an important consumer of Brazilian meat.
The diplomat also stated that Libya is strategic for the commerce between Brazil and other Arab and North African countries. “Libya is a very rich country. It has resources such as oil and gas, and a 2,000-thousand-kilometer coast at the Mediterranean Sea. It is a bridge between the South and North regions. It has ports with good structure that may be used for commerce and exports,” added Sawan.
Translated by Guilherme Miranda