The federal government announced the “Rice for the People” program to promote the rice production and stockpiling in the country. The goal is to stimulate the harvest of additional 500 thousand tonnes.
Author: Agência Brasil
A second Brazilian Air Force aircraft deployed to Beirut to rescue Brazilian citizens carried 20,000 syringe-and-needle kits and 4,000 needles to be donated. Lebanese people are in a state of emergency.
At a meeting of the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group in Rio, Brazil received backing from member countries for its proposal to improve the functioning of climate and environmental funds. The goal is to ensure that resources reach the countries in need more quickly and effectively.
Embrapa, Brazil’s agricultural research agency, and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) will sign a cooperation by the end of the year to bring 30 technicians from African countries for training at Embrapa facilities. The schedule and countries have not yet been defined.
The group of major world economies is having a week of activities in Rio de Janeiro from Monday (22) through Friday (26). High-level meetings on finance and development will be held, along with the pre-launch of the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty.
São Paulo governor and secretaries are on a roadshow to the United States, United Kingdom, and Portugal to present to investors the model of public offering of stocks of local water utility Sabesp.
Brazilian oil company approved the resumption of operations of plant ANSA, which is located in southern state Paraná and has been mothballed since 2020. Fertilizer production became part of Petrobras’s 2024-2028 strategic guidelines.
The Brazilian gross domestic product grew compared to the same period last year. Compared to the last quarter of 2023, it rose by 0.8%, above market expectations. Industry and services posted growth, but agriculture was down.
Steel-producing companies announced they aim to make these investments by 2028. This comes after a series of measures in favor of the Brazilian steel industry.
Country won vote to host the women’s tournament in 2027. Bid includes ten stadiums. Morocco was the only Arab country to participate in Fifa Women’s World Cup 2023.
Rating agency Moody’s maintained the Ba2 credit rate but revised the outlook to positive, meaning it could be raised in the future.
Over half of Brazilian extractive and transformative industries introduced a new product or process in 2022. Machinery and equipment manufacturers were the most innovative.
Revenue of tourism-related enterprises and services grew by 7.8 percent in the Latin American country in the past year. Sectors with the best performances included hire of means of transport.
Eurochem mine and plant complex will produce tonnes of fertilizers to cater to Brazilian farmers. Volume accounts for 15% of Brazil’s phosphate output.