From the Newsroom
São Paulo – This afternoon (23), the Brazilian Export Promotion Agency (Apex) and the Brazilian Association of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (Abrava) should sign an agreement to provide export incentives for sector products. The project, to have an investment of an estimated US$ 1.3 million, will have the Arab market as one of its main focuses.
According to information on the Abrava site, studies of the United Arab Emirates, Lebanese, and Saudi Arabian markets are scheduled for the second half of next year, trade missions to the same countries are planned for August 2005, as is participation in the eighth edition of Aircon/Coolsys, a sector fair to take place in Saudi Arabia in February 2006.
In the first phase of the project, 20 small companies will receive strategic information regarding the international market, training courses, and support for participation in fairs and missions, among others. Up to the end of the year, another 12 companies will be integrated into the program.
In the evaluation of Apex president Juan Quirós, there is potential for Brazilian product entry in almost all countries around the world. The main program focus, however, is the so-called alternative markets and Latin America.
Also forecasted, for example, are market studies, prospecting, and trade missions to Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Chile, and Peru, starting next month.
Other events
But developed countries are not going to be excluded. The project forecasts representative participation in fairs in Germany (October 2004), Florida (February 2005), Spain (February 2005), and Italy (April 2005).
Other events to be promoted include buyer projects, which consist of foreign importers visiting Brazil to do business with domestic companies. They will take place during the International Construction Industry Trade Fair (Feicon), in April next year, and at the 14th International Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Ventilation, Heating and Air Treatment Trade Fair (Febrava). Both to be organized in São Paulo, the largest and most industrial city in Brazil.
Apart from foreign sales of equipment, one of the main objectives of the program is to provide incentives to the export of services connected to the sector, such as installation, maintenance, and technical service in general.
According to information supplied by the Apex, the sector, represented by around 3,000 companies, has a turnover of around US$ 3.2 billion a year. The greatest participation is in the air conditioner and refrigeration sectors.