From the Newsroom*
São Paulo – Brazilian exports reached US$ 12.637 billion between the beginning of the year until the third week of February. Imports added up to US$ 8.416 billion, which resulted in a trade surplus of US$ 4.221 billion for Brazil. The information was released yesterday (21) by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.
During the first three weeks of February, the surplus registered was of US$ 2.038 billion and has already topped the total for February last year (US$ 1.969 billion). The value was the result of exports of US$ 5.1923 billion and imports of US$ 3.155 billion. The international sales working day average, of US$ 432.8 million, topped in 36% the average for the same period last year.
According to the ministry, the manufactured products lead the increase in external sales in February, with a highlight for steel and iron wire (metal wire used in the manufacture of steel cables, wires, screws, nails, springs, amongst other things), gasoline, transmitting and receiving sets and cargo vehicles. The working day average for imports increased in 26.1% and the best performances were registered in the purchases of plastics, metallurgy products, fuels and lubricants.
During the third week of the month, the trade surplus was of US$ 989 million, the greatest weekly value in 2005, result of shipments of US$ 2.212 billion and purchases of US$ 1.223 billion.
*Translated by Silvia Lindsey