Brasília – Since this Thursday (15), local and foreign citizens and companies can check the situation of public and private investments in Brazil. The National Investment Committee of the Brazilian Foreign Trade Chamber (Camex) of the Ministry of Economy launched the Single Information Portal on Investment. Access here.
The platform consolidates, in Portuguese and English, central information from federal agencies on investment. In the next phase, the portal will include links to state agencies part of the Direct Investment Ombudsman’s (OID) Focal Points Network.
Despite being aimed at foreign audiences, Brazilian investors can also access the page. According to the Camex, the mechanism already follows the transparency rules of the upcoming Agreement on Facilitation of Investment for Development (IFD), under negotiation at the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Consolidated information addresses four major themes: International agreements, investment facilitation (investor support), investment opportunities, legislation, and regulation. Data was compiled during several meetings with bodies and agencies of the OID Focal Points Network, which indicated the official links on each topic.
Translated by Elúsio Brasileiro