São Paulo – The Brazilian singer Céu is playing a one-nighter in Lebanon on the 19th this month, at 9pm in Beirut’s Music Hall. Her style is a combination of Brazilian, African and Jamaican rhythms. The show is a Liban Jazz and Eléftériadès production with support from the Brazilian embassy in Lebanon.
“This is the first time Liban Jazz welcomes a Brazilian artist, and we have great expectations,” said Karim Ghattas of Liban Jazz, Lebanon’s leading jazz event production company, in an email interview to ANBA.
According to Ghattas, the Brazilian singer’s albums are not available in Lebanese stores, but his production team is working to spread Céu’s music and to advertise the event. “Of course, we are introducing her via all social media and Youtube, where people can get to know the artist and decide whether to attend their live concerts,” he explained.
The Lebanese producer says he enjoys Céu’s work very much. “All of the artists we work with are exceptional. We invest a lot of energy in introducing our artists to the local public. I fell in love with Céu’s music in 2010. I saw her live in Paris and I felt that the vibration of her concert was something I would like to present through Liban Jazz,” he said.
Throughout this month, Céu is playing a tour including shows in Turkey, France, Switzerland, Denmark and Germany. Tickets for the Beirut concert are available from http://ticketingboxoffice.com/ceu-the-musical-phenomena-coming-from-brazil-tickets/event/8478. Prices range from LBP 55,000 (USD 36) to LBP 90,000 (USD 59).
Céu ‘Live in Beirut’
October 19th, 9pm
Venue: Music Hall
Waterfront Beirut, Downtown Beirut, next to Biel
For additional information go to www.facebook.com/events/1467794516862269/
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum