Brasília – Federal revenue hit BRL 115.062 billion in February 2019, the Brazilian Ministry of Economy’s Federal Revenue Secretariat reported this Thursday (21). Real growth (inflation discounted) was 5.36% over February 2018. It is the strongest result on record since 1995 economy overhaul Plano Real.
Federal Revenue-managed funds (including taxes and contributions) amounted to BRL 112.957, up 5.46% in real terms.
Year-to-date through February, revenue was BRL 275.487 billion, up 1.76% in real terms. Federal Revenue-managed funds hit BRL 263.255 billion, up 0,99%. Funds managed by other entities (mostly oil royalties) hit BRL 12.233 billion, up 21.81%.
Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum