Brasília – The executive secretary at the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Alessandro Teixeira, announced on Thursday (1) the government’s export target for 2012. The estimate is for US$ 264 billion, 3.1% more than that registered last year, which was US$ 256 billion.
Teixeira pointed out that the value may be reviewed according to the export performance. Apart from that, the current moment of economic instability requires “care” from the government in definition of the target.
“Today, we have a clearer definition of what is happening in the European and American economies. The target could be more ambitious, but I cannot guarantee [whether it will grow], due to uncertainty in the European economy,” he said.
Despite the critical scenery of the international market, the moment for recovery of the North American economy, aligned to greater exports of manufactured products, allow for the export target to continue at a growing rhythm.
“The recovery of the United States, economically, is very important, and we have already noticed recovery of the economy. But the European Union is still a question market, which makes us more cautious,” he finished off.
*Translated by Mark Ament