Brasília – With the aim of speeding up expansion projects of power generation and transmission in Brazil, the federal government launched this Tuesday (11th) the Investment Program in Electric Energy (Piee), which estimates investments of US$ 52.9 billion in the sector. From the total, US$ 33 billion will be invested in generation with US$ 19.9 going to transmission lines.
With the new generation projects, it will be US$ 11.9 in investments until 2018, and another US$ 21 billion after 2018. These works will provide an increase of energy into the system of up to 31,500 megawatts.
In all, 37,600 km of transmission lines will be auctioned, with an estimated cost of US$ 19.9 billion. From this amount, US$ 11 billion is to be spent until 2018, with US$ 8.8 billion to be spent after 2018.
Among the planned works, the minister of Mining and Energy, Eduardo Braga, highlighted the construction of the hydropower plants of Tapajós e Jatobá, both in the Tapajós river. “Our goal is to conclude these auctions until the end of the year”, said Braga.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani