Isaura Daniel, special envoy*
Brasília – The sale of agricultural and livestock products, like beef, is one of the main interests of Paraguay in the agreement between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Mercosur, the customs union between Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, to be signed during the summit.
According to Leila Rachid de Cowles, the minister of Foreign Relations of Paraguay – which is currently occupying the rotating presidency of the Mercosur -, as the country has a basically agricultural economy, the country must diversify its trade partners.
"Paraguay already exports beef to the Middle East and this summit is going to permit an increase in sales," declared the minister to ANBA, after the opening of the Business Meeting that began today (9), to take place in parallel to the summit, at the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Centre.
*Translated by Mark Ament