Rio de Janeiro – Petrobras average production of oil and gas reached approximately 2.6 million barrels of oil equivalent in March, according to figures disclosed by the company on Friday (4).
The figures include both production in Brazil and abroad. Of the total, the fields located in the country produced an average of 2.3 million barrels a day. Outside Brazil, Petrobras produced approximately 253,400 barrels.
The result points towards a reduction of 5% in domestic production as against February, when production totalled some 2.4 million barrels a day. According to Petrobras, the reasons were the pause for maintenance of platforms P-511, in Marlim Sul Field, P-57 and FPSO, in Jubarte Field, and the interruption of production in Frade Field, operated by Chevron, in Campos Basin, where there was an oil leak in November last year.
Of the total produced in Brazil, approximately 1.9 million barrels were oil. The production of natural gas reached around 56.1 million cubic metres a day. Abroad, average production of oil reached 151,700 barrels a day, approximately, and natural gas production was 17,400 cubic metres a day.
*Translated by Mark Ament