São Paulo – Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, cargo throughput at ports in Brazil was up 4.2% in 2020 from 2019 to 1.15 billion tons, as per an annual statistical report released this week by the National Agency for Waterway Transportation (Antaq).
The numbers include throughput at state-run and private ports combined. State-run units accounted for 34% of throughput, while private facilities handled 66%. The majority of cargo – 775.5 million tons – was outgoing, i.e., exports, whereas 377.2 million was incoming, i.e., imports .
The Ponta da Madeira Terminal in Maranhão, owned by mining company Vale, saw the highest throughput of all ports and terminals in Brazil. The second busiest was the state-run Port of Santos,, in São Paulo, followed by the state-owned Angra dos Reis Terminal, in Rio de Janeiro, which is on lease to the private sector and handles crude oil.
Iron ore stood out at 356 mn tons handled, folowed by oil and oil products at 262 million tons, shipping containers, soya, cereals, and fertilizers. The list also includes sugar, wood paste, iron, and inorganic chemicals.
Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum