According to ANBA: Nuclear physicist Jos? Goldenberg said last Friday (30th), during the debate Pre-salt and Sustainable Development: Risks and Opportunities for Brazilians, that the pre- salt oil grants Brazil the opportunity to be an oil exporting country, as it does not need the oil for domestic consumption, because its production suffices to supply the market. Goldenberg, who was the minister of Education and secretary of Environment during the administration of former Brazilian president Collor, emphasized, however, that the results of pre-salt layer exploration should take up to 10 years. Besides, it is a very costly enterprise, he said. "The chances of success when a well is drilled in the pre- salt layer are higher than when a well is drilled on dry land or at low depths, but in addition to the drilling being costly, one is entering an unknown territory ," stated Goldenberg. Goldenberg asserted that pre-salt oil is different from the oil in the Campos Basin, because it contains higher rates of carbon and methane tem, and that, at the moment in which the material is brought to the surface, the carbon rate increases. "Carbon will end up being taxed, therefore, as the pre-salt oil is different, it will be more expensive." Goldenberg, who was also the secretary of Environment of the city of S?o Paulo, said once again that activity related to the pre-salt will be very intense because, in the case of S?o Paulo, for instance, it will be necessary to expand the premises at the port of S?o Sebasti?o, in the North coast of the state, and the roads that provide access to the city. "It is clear that there is much enthusiasm about jobs and greater economic activity, but there needs to be moderation and respect to the environment." In addition to care concerning environmental impact, Goldenberg said that attention must be paid to renewable energies, which last forever. "The oil will be exhausted and all of the harm that it has done will end with it. In the case of renewable energies, these things do not happen. There is an exaggerated euphoria regarding the pre-salt. We cannot turn our backs on the pre-salt, but we must proceed with caution in its exploration," he warned. Representative Antonio Palocci, who is in charge of the Sovereign Social Fund that will be established with the funds obtained from pre-salt oil, stated that any administration to come will try to do the best possible use of a fund such as this. "Our concern is to make the fund grow as much as possible, in the longest possible term, so as to avoid the negative short-term effects, which are environmental, fiscal and exchange rate- related," he said.
Results of Pre-Salt to Take 10 Years
There is an exaggerated euphoria regarding the pre-salt