São Paulo – The Immigration Museum in São Paulo has a special program in place for the January season. Managed by the Secretariat for Culture of the State of São Paulo, the venue will host attractions including the Refugee Dreams show, portraying the reality of asylum through the eyes of children. The exhibit features drawings where Syrian refugee kids outline their wishes for the future.
The works will be on show in the Hospedaria em Movimento area. According to a press release from the Museum, this is an opportunity to discuss asylum with kids. The activity is designed to prompt “reflection from an early age on an issue that is important to living in society.” The drawings will be on show from January 4 to 31, from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm and on Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm.
The venue is also hosting other migration-related activities: its Educational Center will offer Children who Migrate themed tours at 11 am on Saturdays and Sundays in January. The idea is to invite kids and adults alike to share their impressions on migration, displacement and territory.
And storytelling is also available for kids at the Museum: Paula Strano, a pedagogue and the author of the book Três Navios (Three Ships), will tell the story of Laurinha – a little girl who’s intrigued by different versions told by her family about their trip to Brazil. Sessions will take place at 3 pm on January 13 and 27.
Activities will also include Colecionando Coleções (Collecting Collections), which will explore the diversity of the Museum’s garden area, and Mundo de Brincar (A World of Playing), featuring board games, a ball pool, and educational toys.
Quick facts
Refugee Dreams – Exhibit
January 4-31
Tuesday-Saturday, 9 am-5pm; Sunday, 10 am-5 pm
Children Who Migrate – Themed Tours
January 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27 –11 am
Registration: inscricao@museudaimigracao.org.br
Three Ships – Storytelling
January 13, 27 – 3 pm
Registration: m.souto@museudaimigracao.org.br
Immigration Museum – Rua Visconde de Parnaíba, 1,316, Mooca, São Paulo
Tickets: BRL 10 full price. Free on Saturdays
Find out more: www.museudaimigracao.org.br
Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum