São Paulo – The 2nd Arab Dance Festival of Sergipe should take place on the 17th of October, in Aracaju, with the participation of 15 dance companies, as well as independent dancers.
The event is beneficent and starts at 7:00 pm, at Lourival Batista theatre. The admittance fee is two kilograms of non-perishable food. Donations should be delivered at Lar Infantil Cristo Redentor, which provides assistance to 15 children. The first edition of the festival, promoted in August 2008, brought together 700 people.
At the festival, several styles of belly dance will be presented, apart from folk dance and percussion. On the following day, there should be an Arab dance workshop, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, at the Quality Ballet dance school. Admittance is 60 Brazilian reals (US$ 35).
"This is a dance festival that grants professionals and lovers of Arab dance a perspective to show their work, as we do not have much space for practice here in Sergipe," said Flávia Kahyna, the organizer and promoter of the event.
She also pointed out the importance of the festival to the audiences in Sergipe who will be given a chance to learn more about Arab dance, which is little known in the state. "We also decided to make the event beneficent, as we recognise that the social side is very important, so we decided to unite dance and assistance to the needy."
Arab Dance Festival and Workshop
Saturday, October 17th
Lourival Batista Theatre
Rua Laranjeiras, 2037, Aracaju, Sergipe
Further information: Verônica Hayet (+55 79) 8824-3094
*Translated by Mark Ament