Browsing: apexbrasil

An agreement signed between Unica and ApexBrasil at COP28 aims to facilitate meetings, events, and missions between Brazil and African and Asian countries. Evandro Gussi, CEO of Unica, told ANBA that ethanol is a quick, easy, and cheap solution for decarbonization.

A mission organized by Brazilian Ministries with support from the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce will visit Kenya, Egypt, and Ethiopia from December 6 to 15. Business meetings and seminars will be an opportunity to showcase Brazilian know-how in producing food, plastics, toys, and cosmetics, among other products.

The vice president of Brazil and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, participated in the launch of the Export Qualification Program (PEIEX) Center in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, which aims to qualify 175 companies in the region, 60% of which are micro and small businesses.