Browsing: câmara árabe

The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce opened its office in the capital city on Tuesday (19) and now has five units across Brazil and elsewhere. The event brought together representatives of the government, diplomats and businesspeople.

The Brasil Expodireto Trophy, in the International Highlight category, was awarded this Sunday (6) at the Expodireto Cotrijal agribusiness show in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The initiative awarded several entities for services rendered in their areas.

The delegation includes some of the largest transport companies in the country and aims to identify innovative technologies and practices in the Arab world to boost the national industry. The mission is promoted by the CNT System and organized by the Arab Brazilian Chamber.

The country must promote its goods and services to countries it wants to sell to. So said the participants of the panel ‘Agribusiness: Brazil and its Leading Role in the Halal Market,’ during the first day of the Global Halal Brazil forum.