Marroquina Couscous has a menu of dishes made with Moroccan couscous. The brand is run by Ana Felipe Ferreira, who prepares the dishes and makes deliveries in São Paulo.
Browsing: chicken
The Arab country purchased 319,000 tonnes of poultry from Brazil from January to August and was one of the leading buyers in the period, according to the ABPA.
Higher shipment volumes were driven by the fact the Arab country is a central distribution hub for the Middle East and Asia regions. General exports grew 8% in volume and 36% in revenue.
The total volume for the month was 429,600 tonnes. Year-to-date, shipments totaled about two million tonnes. The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia were among the main buyers.
In January, Brazilian companies increased their poultry protein exports to the United Arab Emirates by 96.6%.
Trade between Arabs and Brazilians in 2021 reached USD 24.25 billion. The UAE took over as the leading destination for Brazilian products.
From January to November 2021, Brazilian poultry protein exports revenue increased 25%. Luis Rua, from ABPA, explains the performance in purchases by the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen in the period.
The United Arab Emirates, the third leading destination for the Brazilian product, increased purchases by 108% compared to the same month in 2020.
United International has invested USD 9.5 million in a poultry and cattle farming project in the Egyptian province of New Valley.
Shipments grew 21.3% and revenue 52%, indicating higher prices. The UAE were the third major destination, with an increase of 66% in purchases.
Saudi Arabian authorities decided to suspend the rule determining the shelf life as only three months for frozen chicken meat that hampered Brazilian exports.
Tanmiah, a Saudi halal poultry and food producer, wants to reach new markets. The company raised USD 107 million in an IPO last week.
Poultry exports from Brazil climbed in July. The three leading importers – China, Japan and UAE – stepped up their purchases.
Sector entities from Egypt, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco, and the UAE created the Union of Arab Poultry Producers. The first meeting took place virtually during a specialized event.