Browsing: free trade agreement

For the free trade agreement between Mercosur and the United Arab Emirates to progress, online meetings are set to occur in July and August, as well as an in-person negotiation in September. Finalization and signing of the deal are scheduled to November, during the G20 summit in Rio.

In the wake of Brazil’s ratification of Mercosur’s free trade agreement with Palestine, Ambassador Alessandro Candeas analyzes in an article the commerce between the two countries and potential prospects, suggesting that Brazil could buy more Palestinian goods to balance out trade. This year’s result is a surprise given the crisis that has plagued Palestine in the context of war.

Brazil deposited an instrument ratifying the Free Trade Agreement between Palestine and Mercosur on July 3, causing the treaty to come into effect between the two countries within 30 days. Brazil’s Foreign Ministry says the agreement is a tangible contribution towards an economically sound Palestinian state.