Browsing: imigrantes árabes

The first Arab immigrant in Brazil and the first Arabic newspaper in Latin America are some of the findings of the Project of Digitization of the Memory of the Arab Immigration to Brazil. Open for consultation since last year, the archive has 120,000 digitized pieces and has been used by researchers.

Writer and researcher Roberto Khatlab (pictured below) pens an article on the newspapers, magazines, and books produced by the first Arab immigrants in Brazil. The works followed the trends of the Arab Renaissance and were digitized in a project by the Lebanese university USEK and the Arab Brazilian Chamber.

The Digitization Project of the Memory of Arab Immigration in Brazil has completed its first phase and makes available 100,000 digitized pieces. They include pictures and content written by Arab immigrants in their early years in Brazil. The link will be launched officially in an event on Saturday (26) at the Immigration Museum.

Rubens Hannun (pictured) pens article on the mission of the Arab House, which he cofounded and curates. The institution seeks to bring the Arab community together and strengthen the Arab image in Brazil, going beyond the borders of culture.