Browsing: livro

The historian and Vice President of Communication and Marketing at the Arab-Brazilian Chamber was sworn in at the Lebanese Brazilian Academy of Literature, Arts, and Sciences, alongside Gabriel Chalita, Antonio Florêncio de Queiroz Jr., and Thaís Costa.

The businessman and former president of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber launched the book “Brasil e mundo árabe: Negócios, marketing e diplomacia econômica ampliada” [Brazil and the Arab World: Business, Marketing, and Expanded Economic Diplomacy] on Tuesday (11) in São Paulo with around 300 attendees. Former Brazilian President Michel Temer participated. The future of the relations between the two peoples was discussed.

Bookstore Livraria da Vila in São Paulo was packed on Thursday (1) for the launch of “Aprenda a negociar com o mundo árabe”, a book by executive Rafael Solimeo. Brazil former president Michel Temer attended. Solimeo is the head of the Arab-Brazilian Chamber office in Dubai.

Home to one of the world’s largest collections, the Rio-based National Library of Brazil has book-related promotion projects based, delivering copies to several countries and even to Antarctica. Its translation support program has caught the interest of many Arabs.

Brazilian publisher Editora Unifesp has launched a second edition of the book “Religion and Colonial Tensions in Sudan: The Experience of Don Comboni in Africa and the Comboni in Brazil” by professor Patrícia Teixeira Santos.