Browsing: technology

Smart cities are an example of an investment that combines technology and sustainability in Arab countries, said Arab Brazilian Chamber secretary-general Tamer Mansour during the PetroTic seminar. The event took place online on Thursday (27).

A new regulatory framework, low interest rates and entrepreneurship are bringing additional investment into the sector, in Brazil and elsewhere. The development of startup businesses hinges on innovation, authenticity, and skilled staff.

Brazilian and Arab companies are participating in the exhibition area of the Economic Forum Brazil & Arab Countries. For companies such as Expolink of Egypt, this is their first experience exhibiting at a digital space. “We are very pleased, and we believe we’ll repeat this experience,” the company’s marketing director said.

Though hardly a new concept, the Low Touch Economy has been fast-tracked by the pandemic, Natalia Klafke of Radix explained during an Arab Chamber webinar. She noted that a behavioral change is in order, and that small businesses will be faced with the challenge of connectivity.