Brasília – The Brazilian balance of trade posted a surplus of US$ 224 million in the first week of July, with only two working days, the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade informed today (5th). Exports during the period totalled US$ 1.526 billion, and imports totalled US$ 1.302 billion.
From January until the first week of July, exports totalled US$ 90.715 billion and imports totalled US$ 82.604 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of US$ 8.111 billion. The result during the period was 44.1% lower than in the same period of 2009 (US$ 14.525 billion). Today, at 03:00 pm, the ministry will disclose detailed information online pertaining to the balance of trade in the first week of July.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum