São Paulo – The government of São Paulo held on Thursday (15) an auction to sell the concessions of 22 regional airports throughout the state. The airports were divided into two blocks – Northwest and Southeast – and the consortium that won each group is expected to invest in every terminal of the group. Pictured above, the Airport of São José do Rio Preto.
Of the 22 airports, six have regular commercial aviation services and, the government says, 13 have the potential to develop as new regular routes during the concession. Together, the two airports currently handle 2.4 million passengers a year. With an offer amounting to BRT 7.6 million reais (USD 1.5 million dollars), the Consórcio Aeroportos Paulista company obtained the concessions for the Northwest block, while the concessions of the Southeast block were secured by the Voa NW Voa SE Consortium, at an investment of BRL 14.7 million reais (about USD 2.88 million dollars).
The airports currently under the management and operation of the Airway Department of the State of São Paulo(Daesp) have investments planned by the private sector in the 30-year concession at RBL 447 million (USD 174 million). The concession provides for the provision of public services of operation, maintenance, exploration and expansion of the state airport infrastructure. The contract provides for a tariff and non-tariff remuneration model, through the exploitation of ancillary revenues, such as rental of hangars or real estate exploration.
Translated by Guilherme Miranda