(Source: Info-Prod Research (Middle East)) According to ANBA: In a three-hour meeting, president Luiz In?cio Lula da Silva accepted to expand the pre-salt oil royalties of producer states from 18% to 25%. The governors of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Esp?rito Santo wanted 33%. With this, the share of royalties turned to the Union dropped from 27% to 19%. According to the minister of Institutional Relations, Alexandre Padilha, president Lula pointed out that 3% should be turned to the fund for hunger alleviation. According to the minister, the remaining states, which are not producers of oil, should have the right to 22%, divided according to the Fund for Participation of the States (FPE). It was also agreed that the cities with oil installations should receive 3% of the royalties, instead of 2%. The changes will be made in the report of speaker Henrique Eduardo Alves presenting the law that covers the sharing of pre-salt layer oil profits. To the governor of the state of Rio de Janeiro, S?rgio Cabral, the percentage received is not ideal, but was classified as "possible" and does not represent losses to the state.
Union Makes Pre-Salt Oil Royalty Deal
The governors of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo wanted 33%