Brasília – Brazilian government launched this Wednesday (2nd) webpage to facilitate and boost foreign trade. BrazilExport – Trade and Investment Guide (or BrasilExport – Guia de Comércio Exterior e Investimento, in Portuguese) gathers information on how to export, import and invest, besides logistic data on the country, tariff agreements, news and events related to foreign trade.
In Spanish, English and Portuguese, the information available at the website is an updated compilation of government data, which aims to promote trade between Brazil and other countries, and also receive foreign investments. On the portal, it is also possible to solve doubts, through a system to send question and answer.
“BrazilExport is a highly relevant platform as it promotes the coordination of a set of information already produced by the government. However, now, we can share, even in a website, all the set of relevant information for trade activities," pointed out the minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, Mauro Borges.
In the minister’s opinion, this tool is an effort to follow the profile change of the global economy, which is ending a period of crisis to start a period of expansion, especially from 2015 and 2016 on. "Our level [of trade] today deserves tools which are fully compatible with present days, when the power of digital tools is fundamental for trade to take place," explained the minister, stressing Brazilian foreign trade amounts to roughly US$ 500 billion, four times as much as in the beginning of the first decade of 2000.
In the minister of External Relations’ opinion, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, BrazilExport will be a way to cut through red tape in Brazilian foreign trade and it will allow for the spreading of trade-related knowledge. "This initiative, of the three Ministries, will continue to expand and perfect the new reality of public administration, whose issues are transversal and deserve a systemic treatment."
BrasilExport (available in Portuguese, Spanish and English)
*Translated by Rodrigo Mendonça