São Paulo – The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce should promote, next Thursday (15), a workshop to help Brazilian businessmen learn more about the Arab nations and market. Figures will be presented, among them export and import data, to show participants the volume of business opportunities existing.
The seminar is turned to businessmen. "We are also going to discuss the importance of culture, the diversification of the export basket and the opportunities existing in the countries," said Rodrigo Solano, Market Development manager at the Arab Brazilian Chamber.
Solano says that it is necessary to recall that the Arabs are suppliers of other products apart from oil, which are competitive and do not compete with those made by the national industry. "One example is olive oil. The Arabs export much olive oil to Europe, which is mixed with local production and is reexported to Brazil. Nowadays, few people know this, and we have the possibility of bringing the product directly from the Arab market," he said.
Solano adds that this also happens with Brazilian products, which are processed in other nations before following on to the Arab countries, whereas Brazil has the capacity to promote this processing.
The event should also cover how to negotiate with the Arabs, so that Brazilian businessmen may have greater chances of closing deals.
According to Rodrigo, the workshops, which take place monthly, help demystify the Arab market and show what Brazil has to offer and what it may buy, as well as how Brazil may make better use of these opportunities.
Those interested should enrol on site www.ccab.org.br. Participation is free and the seats are limited.
*Translated by Mark Ament