São Paulo – Muslim women in Brazil will be the subject of a meeting on this Monday (7th), in the city of São Bernardo do Campo, in the Greater São Paulo region. Three female lecturers will discuss the conditions and problems faced by women who follow the Muslim religion in Western culture. The lecture is entitled A convivência da mulher árabe-muçulmana na cultura Brasileira (“The coexistence of Arab-Muslim women and Brazilian culture”) and will take place at the Art Gallery of São Bernardo do Campo, free of charge, at 07:30 pm.
Lecturers will include Magda Aref Abdul Latif, the holder of a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP) and vice president of the women’s department of the Muslim Youth League in Brazil, Nadia Hussein, a biomedical scientist who develops projects at the Hematology and Oncology Research Centre at the Medical School of the ABC region, as well as Verônica Hannis, who holds a degree in Pedagogy from the Methodist University, a postdoctoral degree in Children Education, is pursuing a master’s degree in Politics of Education, and is the director of the Brazilian Islamic School.
The lecture is part of the 1st Arab-Muslim Cultural Meeting of São Bernardo do Campo, which started on May 31st and will continue until Wednesday (9th). The event is being promoted by the Centre for Promoting Islam in Latin America, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, and the São Bernardo do Campo City Hall, with support from the Worldwide Association for Introducing Islam (WWAI), affiliated with the Muslim World League.
The programme includes lectures, exhibitions and social actions. The lectures approached matters such as Arab-Muslim presence in Brazil, the contribution of Arabs to science, the Afro-Muslim influence on culture and resistance to slavery, Arab integration in Brazil, flavours and the history of Arab cuisine. The postal service also issued commemorative postage and rubber stamps celebrating the event.
According to the organizers, São Bernardo do Campo is one of the cities with the highest concentration of Arab immigrants and descendents in Latin America, and most of them are followers of Islam. The idea of promoting the event, according to material published, arose out of conversations between the mayor of São Bernardo, Luiz Marinho, and the chairman of the Centre for Promoting Islam in Latin America, Ahmad Ali Saifi.
Lecture: The coexistence of Arab-Muslim women in Brazilian culture
June 7th at 07:30 pm
At the Art Gallery of São Bernardo do Campo, Kara street, 105 – Jardim do Mar
Free of charge
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum