Author: Giuliana Napolitano

Travel News Network should go on air in September, and be transmitted in Brazil and Latin America on the paid television system. Partnerships are also being negotiated with Arab, European, and Asian countries, informed Paulo Ricci, project director of company Mixer, in charge of the enterprise. One of the company partners is filmmaker Carlos Diegues, famous for films such "God is Brazilian" (2002), "Orfeu" (2000), "Tieta of Agreste" (1996), and "Bye Bye Brazil" (1979), among others.

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The objective of the National Investment Information Network (Renai) is to centralize federal government and state government data and make investment "more transparent," informed project coordinator Denise Andrade Rodrigues to ANBA. The site will have a new company databank, which is not complete yet: an English version, for example, is missing.

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