Agência Brasil*
Brasília – Brazilian exports totalled US$ 3.343 billion last week, a performance 21.69% lower than that of foreign sales in the week before last. The data were taken from a bulletin disclosed today (08th) in the morning by the Brazilian Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, containing overall balance of trade data for the first week of October.
Whereas exports increased from US$ 4.269 billion, in the last week of September, to US$ 3.343 billion last week, imports have maintained their pace, having recorded a reduction of just 0.62%, and totalling US$ 2.860 billion. Therefore, the trade surplus (exports minus imports) stood at US$ 483 million, a 65.28% decrease over the previous week.
In the accumulated result for the year, with 193 business days, the trade balance surplus reached US$ 31.430 billion, a decrease of US$ 3.913 billion (11.07%) in comparison with the surplus recorded in the same period of last year. Foreign sales increased 15.25% this year to stand at US$ 119.942 billion, but imports grew at a stronger pace, of 28,79%, to reach US$ 88.512 billion.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum