São Paulo – Brazil ended the month of February with a trade surplus of US$ 394 million in the trade balance, a daily average of US$ 21.9 million. The country’s exports in the month totalled US$ 12.197 billion, with a daily average of US$ 677.6 million, and imports, US$ 11.803 billion, which represents a daily average of US$ 655.7 million. With this, the trade balance (exports plus imports) reached US$ 24 billion, with a daily turnover of US$ 1.333 billion.
When considering the daily average, exports last month grew 27.2% as against February 2009 (US$ 532.6 million). As against January 2010, when the daily average of exports was US$ 565.3 million, the increase was 19.9%.
With regard to imports, the daily average in February was 50.8% over that verified in the same month of last year (US$ 434.7 million) and 14.3% greater than that registered in January 2010 (US$ 573.6 million).
In the last week of February, Brazilian exports totalled US$ 3.429 billion, a daily average of US$ 685.8 million, and imports reached US$ 3.770 million (daily average of US$ 754 million). In this period, there was a deficit of US$ 341 million, and the trade flow was US$ 7.199 billion (daily average of US$ 1.439 billion).
In the year, the accumulated surplus was US$ 228 million, with a daily average of US$ 6 million. This balance is 81% lower than that registered in the same period in 2009, when the daily average was US$ 31.6 million.
*Translated by Mark Ament