São Paulo – The minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa), Kátia Abreu, supported this Tuesday (13th) the investments by Algerian company Cevital in Brazil’s North region. She welcomed the president of the company, Issad Rebrab, in Brasília, to discuss the projects of the Algerian company to the region, especially Pará state. Cevital is the largest private company in Algeria, with operations in many sectors, among them food production, retail and services.
As reported by ANBA last week, Cevital plans to make investments in agriculture, livestock, soy processing, logistics and steel in several countries of Pará. The company’s president visited the state and announced the investments. The minister said she’s making efforts to make possible the outflow of the grain production through the North of Brazil. “You have chosen wisely with Pará, which is a great state with an enormous potential”, said Kátia Abreu.
Also took part in the meeting senator Flexa Ribeiro (PSDB-PA) and the secretary of Economic Development, Mining and Energy of Pará state, Adnan Demachki, according to information released by MAP.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani