São Paulo – The theatrical play Cartas Libanesas (Lebanese Letters), which tells the story of character Miguel Mahfouz, who relocated from Lebanon to Brazil in 1914 to work as a travelling salesman, has premiered in a new format. The play had been on stages since 2015 and streamed live on SESC São Paulo’s channel on Youtube last Sunday (7). The video was recorded by the actor and producer Eduardo Mossri.
The performance, which can still be seen on SESC’S channel (check below), is part of the project #EmCasaComSesc. The initiative hosts a series of live streams online with Brazilian artists that performed on SESC units across the state. The project intends that, even during the social distancing period to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, the performances keep reaching the audience, now online.
Lebanese-descendant actor Eduardo Mossri, who plays Miguel in the monologue “Cartas Libanesas,” has adapted parts of the play to be able to tell the story to the online audiences, who watched the performance live. “It was good to update the text to the these times, it was good to change it even if it’s online, it was good to move forward,” the actor commented on his Facebook’ page.
The text of the play was written by José Eduardo Vendramin as a demonstration of love and gratitude to all immigrants that enriched the Brazilian cultural identity. The experiences streamed online on the official channels of SESC São Paulo on YouTube and Instagram range from musical performances to theatrical plays where actors perform from their own homes, as in the play “Cartas Libanesas.”
Every day, since March 19, the institution offers a new live stream from the artist’s home to the audience’s homes. The theatrical plays’ live streams are on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 pm.
Translated by Guilherme Miranda