The company, founded by Brazilian Thais Carballal, has been exporting clothing for children of various ages to the Arab country since 2017.
Browsing: crianças
International Law Professor Salem Nasser has diversified his professional practice to write a children’s book on the adventures of his Lebanese father. Launch is set to October.
Registration is open for children of Brazilians to study their heritage language. Classes start on September 9.
Six-year-old twins Filipe and Lorenzo Barros started learning Arabic on their own when they were two. On a visit to the Arab Brazilian Chamber, they got a scholarship to study the language twice a week.
The Brazilian physician told ANBA about his impressions of the first two Arab countries he’s ever been to. He took a trip to shoot a documentary on Doctors Without Borders.
‘The Fisherman and the Jinni,” based on the story from ‘One Thousand and One Nights,’ will be told by Danilo Minharro this Saturday at 4 pm. The project ‘Narrações de História’ happens every Saturday of January.
Until 30 June 2019 visitors may see an expo portraying both real and imaginary animals from all eras and regions.
The increase took place in comparison to data from 2000. The total number of migrant and refugee children could fill half a million classrooms, according to a UNESCO report.