During a delegation trip to Morocco, Brazil’s agricultural research agency Embrapa signed an agreement with OCP, a fertilizer company, and a local university to develop solutions for food security and sustainability.
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The director-general of Royal Air Maroc in Brazil, Othman Baba, said the airline plans to increase the number of São Paulo-Casablanca flights from the current three to five or six times per week and intends to launch flights to Rio de Janeiro as well. He was received at the Arab-Brazilian Chamber.
The outlook for this year points to expansion with controlled inflation, even amid rising domestic demand in the North African country.
In 2024, Brazil exported USD 23.68 billion and imported USD 10.18 billion from the Arab countries. The trade flow reached USD 33.87 billion, with a trade balance surplus of USD 13.49 billion.
The Arab-Brazilian Chamber has announced the balance of the Halal do Brasil project, through which, together with ApexBrasil, it promotes Brazilian halal products in Muslim-majority markets. A total of 124 companies have been supported by the program, and the number of countries reached is increasing.
The company resumed commercial flights in December of last year. Cargo is transported on passenger aircraft.
In southern Morocco, women are the guardians of handweaving rugs, continuing an age-old custom while bringing income to their homes.
The Gulf country will host matches in the cities of Riyadh, Jeddah, Al Khobar, Abha, and Neom. The organization also announced Morocco as one of the host countries for the 2030 World Cup.
The airlines revealed on Thursday (21) a partnership enabling passengers to connect using segments operated by the other company. Royal Air Maroc will resume its direct Casablanca-Guarulhos flight on December 7.
The Moroccan government has authorized the export of Brazilian olive oil into its market, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock said. The Arab country, whose local production was impacted by drought, has taken at least two other steps this year to favor trade with Brazil.
The memorandum of understanding provides for the launch of joint projects in commercial aviation, urban air mobility, and the defense sector.
The government of the North African country has removed the VAT on the import of up to 20,000 tonnes of beef, sheep, goat, and camel meat.
Brazil’s year-to-date exports to the Middle East and North Africa grossed USD 17.7 billion through September, up 25% from the same period last year. The performance is on track for a new record.
The Moroccan ambassador to Brazil, Nabil Adghoghi, expects that the resumption of the Royal Air Maroc route on December 7 will increase travel by Brazilian tourists to Morocco and vice versa. The foreign ministers of both countries have recently outlined the next steps in the bilateral partnership.