São Paulo – The number of new companies founded was 6.6% higher in Q1 this year in comparison to the first three months of 2016, reported this Friday (28) consulting firm Boa Vista SCPC (Credit Protection Service). The company uses as basis for the survey the registrations made at the Federal Revenue Service throughout Brazil.
The increase was driven by the number of Individual Micro-Entrepreneurs (MEI), which went up 12.3% in the period, and by the number of Micro-Companies, which went up 2.9%. The other categories declined 31.3% in Q1, according to Boa Vista SCPC.
The services sector lost steam: in Q1 of last year 56.6% of the new companies came from the sector, amount that dropped to 55.2% in Q1 of this year. Retail gained ground, going from 32.2% to 34.6% of the total. Industry, on the other hand, dropped from 10.3% to 9.5%. The rural sector accounted for 0.8% of the openings in the period, while in 2016 its share was of 0.6%.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani