São Paulo – The ambassador of Algeria to Brasília, Djamel Bennaoum, is in São Paulo to speak to Brazilian companies and attract them to his country. On Tuesday (17), he had meetings with businessmen at the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce offices.
“We need to strengthen the Brazilian presence in the Algerian market, not just on the side of trade relations, but also for them to set up shop in Algeria, to invest and establish partnerships,” said the ambassador, in Portuguese. According to Bennaoum, there are two ways for Brazilian companies to enter Algeria, the first through direct investment with local partners and the second through participation in tenders promoted by the state.
“We are in the second five year plan for strengthening our economy. It forecasts government financing of over US$ 350 billion in actions and projects to develop the social area and global infrastructure, for example, in ports, roads, housing, etc.,” he stated. According to the ambassador, Algeria has space for companies of several sectors to install offices in.
“In Algeria, we are making a great effort to develop the agricultural sector and we need know how to increase our production,” he explained. Mechanical, pharmaceutical, mining and heavy construction industries are also necessary for the country.
The ambassador stated that his country offers a safe environment for companies. He said that Algeria is in a moment of “deepening democracy”, having approved organic laws about election, political parties, participation of women in the country’s assemblies and communications.
He recalled that Algerian economic relations are majorly with the countries of the European Union and that it is necessary to strengthen trade ties with Brazil. “It is necessary for Brazilian economic agents to be more offensive in the Algerian market, participating, for example, in the economic development program,” he pointed out. “Brazilian construction companies had small participation in tenders made. I believe that the greatest and most offensive presence in this development program is very important to expand these ties.”
Participation in fairs in Algeria is one of the ways domestic companies know more about the local market, stated Bennaoum. The next great event of this kind is the Djazagro fair, in Algiers, turned to the agricultural and food sectors. “I believe Djazagro is very important for Brazil, as the country has made great progress in the agribusiness domain, so it is a great opportunity for Brazilian companies to show their capacity,” he said. The Arab Brazilian Chamber is organizing participation in Brazilian companies at the event, to take place from April 23rd to the 26th.
Apart from the economic area, the ambassador pointed out that there are other sectors in which Brazil and Algeria may establish partnerships, like agricultural technical cooperation, technology transfer, university exchange and tourism. “We are now in a great development programme and need the help of countries like Brazil to create ecological tourism, to preserve our nature,” he finished off.
Trade balance
In 2011, Brazilian exports to Algeria totalled US$ 13.83 billion. The value was 65.88% greater than in 2010. The main products sold to the Algerians were sugars, grain and vegetable oil.
On the other hand, Brazilian imports of Algerian products totalled US$ 3.13 billion, with growth of 32.84% over 2010. The main products in the basket were oil and products, fertilizers and cement.
Bennaoum pointed out that sales could include products like dates, wines and glass.
*Translated by Mark Ament