São Paulo – Furniture manufacturer Totalità, from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, sells 100% of its production abroad. The buyers include three Arab countries: Libya, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, which buy a combined 10% of the brand’s products.
“Our products are all made from pine. They are all reforestation certified. Pine wood items are very high-quality and last longer,” says Jocassio Guidetti, the commercial manager for Totalità.
The Arabs import beds and bunk beds made by the brand, which also makes dressers. “To the UAE, we sell white bunk beds. To Libya, we ship bunk beds with turned feet and glossy paint,” says Guidetti regarding Arabs’ preferences. According to the executive, the majority of buyers in that part of the world are distributors.
The primary market for Totalità is England, which buys 80% of production. The flagship product is bunk beds, with 4,500 units made each month. The United States are the second leading buyer.
The manager says the company finds clients via agents the importers keep in Brazil, and by going to industry exhibition Movelsul. “The expo takes place in Bento Gonçalves. It is Latin America’s premier [furniture] show, takes place every two years and virtually all of our foreign clients go,” he explains. The company also sends representatives to industry shows in the United Kingdom.
Founded in 1999, Totalità is based in the city of Restinga Seca, Rio Grande do Sul, and has 85 employees.
Website: www.totalita.com.br
Email: jocassio@totalita.com.br
Phone: +55 55 3261-1014
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum