São Paulo – Four years ago, Egyptian Ibrahim Essawy (picture above) moved to Brazil and has since been working in the IT sector. Two months ago, he founded his own web and media services startup, Bom Tech, based in Lindoia, 195 km from São Paulo, where he lives with his wife and two kids.
The company works with website creation, graphic design, web design, packaging design and translation into four languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and Arabic. In a visit to the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce this Tuesday (28), Essawy said: “We work with companies that are interested in exporting to Arab countries and offer them the necessary support, so they can enter the market with all the needed tools.”
Bom Tech already had as clients Egypt’s Trade Office in São Paulo, the Paraná Islamic Center, Elba Brazilian Coffee and Beleza Cosméticos Profissionais (packaging design). According to the business owner, it’s very important for Brazilian companies to have these tools to use them in the promotion of their businesses in each Arab country, with an image and content that are appealing to a specific group of consumers, including slangs and regional language variations, at the same time respecting the culture of each place.
“If you have a business and wish to export your products to the Middle East, you need help with digital marketing, graphic design, packaging design, website creation and translation, and Bom Tech can help,” he concluded. Essawy also works as a website and social media content manager at Mundo Egípcio Company.
Born in Saudi Arabia, where his father worked as a legal adviser, Essawy lived in the country for 12 years, later moving with his family back to Cairo, the Egyptian capital. He came to Brazil for the first time because of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. He stayed in Curitiba, at a friend’s house, and went to the stadium to see Iran versus Nigeria. The game ended in a tie, O x O, but Brazil scored a superb goal in the Egyptian’s life, who fell in love with the country and decided to come live here.
“I was fascinated with Brazil’s nature, the green mountains, the trees, the forests, we don’t have that in Egypt, there we have mainly desert,” said Essawy. “I also really liked the warm welcome by the Brazilians, I was very well received here, people here have a joy that we don’t see anymore in Egypt since the revolution [in 2011],” he continued.
Two months after his arrival, Essawy was able to get a job in an IT company in Paraná’s capital. It was there that he met his wife, Mirelli, a co-worker. “In three months, we decided to get married. Today, we have two sons, Maruan, two years old, and Noah, one year old,” he revealed. The couple decided to move to Lindoia one year ago, where Mirelli’s family lives, and Essawy decided to open his own business to offer his services to companies from the state of São Paulo. “We chose Lindoia because it’s a beautiful and peaceful city, with a lot of green around, to be closer to family, and because it’s closer to São Paulo, which can bring many more opportunities,” he concluded.
For further information on Bom Tech, visit the company’s website.
Translated by Sérgio Kakitani