São Paulo – Arab countries may not be known for harbouring vast numbers of hang glider pilots, but the sport is growing in Middle Eastern and North African countries, paving the way for good business deals. Such is the case with Sol Paragliders, a hang glider manufacturing company based in the state of Santa Catarina that has four Arab countries among its clients, spread across 68 different markets.
At present, the company based in the city of Jaraguá do Sul sells to Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Tunisia, but it has done business with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Palestine, Libya, Lebanon and Bahrain in the past. “There are many Arab hang glider pilots,” claims Ary Carlos Pradi, a partner of Sol Paragliders. “There are several pilots in the Emirates, for instance,” he points out. According to the businessman, Saudi Arabia and Morocco are also home to hang gliding enthusiasts.
According to Pradi, the Arabs mostly purchase beginner and intermediate hang gliding equipment. “They are coming into greater contact with the sport now,” he says. To him, that translates into good growth potential for the company’s business. He also underscores that the good relations between Brazil and the Arab countries contribute to increase the brand’s acceptance in those markets.
The Arab countries currently account for around 4% of Sol Paragliders’ exports. Pradi says he will continue attending international fairs, such as the Coupe Icare, in France, where he made the contact that broke him into the Middle East, four years ago, through a reseller in Iran. According to the company’s partner, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are the countries with the most potential for growth among the Arabs. “Saudi Arabia is a great place to fly,” he stresses.
Half the annual production of 1,800 hang glider kits is shipped to the foreign market. The kit includes a hang glider, a seat and an emergency parachute. Each kit is sold to the export reseller for prices ranging from US$ 1,200 to US$ 2,200. The end consumer price, overseas, is around US$ 4,500.
“The world of hang gliding is a small one. There are approximately 60 companies worldwide, and only 30 are certified (by DHV, a German hang glider certifier organization) like ours,” says Pradi regarding the large number of countries to which the company sells. According to him, European countries are the leading buyers of his equipment, accounting for 30% of all the material exported.
Although 50% is turned to the foreign market, exports comprise only 30% of the company’s annual revenues of 6 million reals (US$ 3.6 million). Pradi explains that the so-called “custo Brasil” (i.e. the cost of doing business in Brazil), which includes factors such as the high tax burden, ends up detracting from the gains of manufacturers of medium- and high-technology equipment, and thus affecting their foreign market competitiveness.
Sol Paragliders
Tel: (+55 47) 3275-7711
E-mail: info@solsports.com.br
Site: www.solparagliders.com.br
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum