São Paulo – The second online training course “Uma Introdução às Migrações Internacionais” [Introduction to International Migration] opened registrations. The content is produced by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Brazilian Federal Public Defender’s office (DPU, acronym in Portuguese). The initiative is part of the project “Improving Legal Assistance to Migrants in Brazil and Promoting their Access to Labour Markets,” financed by the IOM Development Fund (IDF).
Only applications made through referrals from organizations and collectives will be accepted; individual applications are not possible. The last day to apply is January 22. The distance training course targets people working with vulnerable migrants or seeking an introduction on international migration and migration governance in Brazil.
IOM, body associated to the United Nations (UN), reported it will initially offer 100 openings for people in the civil society, government officials, and university assistance services designed for migrants. Other 100 vacancies will be opened exclusively for DPU employees. In order to apply, the candidates should email oimbrasilcursos@iom.int, following the instructions presented in the public notice.
The course intends to bring the topic closer to those working in key positions, in addition to promoting reflection on fundamental aspects of international migration in Brazil. Among the topics are the traits differentiating migrants from other population segments, public organs serving this group, and laws relative to topics of migration, refugees, and human trafficking.
The course is happening from February 4 to Abril 8 and is divided into five modules. The first edition trained 300 people between September and December 2018. The selection process will use criteria such as regional representativity, pluralism on the activities developed, and professional training; besides guaranteeing gender equality.
IOM and DPU signed a cooperation term in 2018 to assure rights for migrants in Brazil. The agreement also aims to guarantee that the migratory process is safe, orderly and dignified, including the creation of a IOM unit attached to DPU in São Paulo.
In December 2018, Brazil joined the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration the conference on the topic in Morocco, but president Jair Bolsonaro, who took office January 1st, decided to quit the pact.
Translated by Guilherme Miranda