São Paulo – A group of representatives of 14 commercial organizations from Morocco will visit Brazil next week to meet with local organizations and visit other companies. Headed by Zahra Maafiri, general director of Maroc Export, the exports promotion agency from the Arab country, the mission will be at the Morocco-Brazil Business Opportunities Forum, scheduled for December 2nd, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM in the city of São Paulo. The visit of the Moroccan mission to the country is organized by the France-Brazil Chamber of Commerce (CCFB).
Speaking at the forum will be Zahra Maafiri, Sueli Lartigue, CEO of CCFB, and an executive of the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce. Next, the representatives of the Moroccan associations will attend meetings with people from Brazilian organizations and companies. There are still openings for participation in the meetings.
“The main goal [of the mission] is in the political realm. It’s to find contacts with whom to discuss the Brazilian economy, tounderstand how the Brazil-Morocco relationship can create new cooperation possibilities and to bring about new business opportunities, so later the [Moroccan] companies can get close to the [Brazilian] associations”, explained Victor Anequini, CCFB’s commercial area analyst.
The Moroccan organizations that are part of the mission represent sectors such as textile, agri-food, auto, mechanical industries, steel, electronics, information technology, logistics, pharmaceutical and audiovisual. Brazilian associations from the industry, investment, textile and pharmaceutical sectors already confirmed their participation in the event.
On December 3rd, representatives from the Morocco organizations will visit the Federation of Industries of São Paulo State (Fiesp), a logistics company, a pharmaceutical industry and a supermarket.
Participation is free of charge for local companies and organizations, but openings are limited. Registration can be made until Tuesday (1st) morning.
Morocco-Brazil Business Opportunities Forum
December 2nd, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Where: Renaissance Hotel, Alameda Santos, 2.233, São Paulo, SP
Further information and registration with Victor Anequini, via email victor@ccfb.com.br, or via phone (+55 11) 3060-2293, and Rosemeire Martins, via email comercialsp@ccfb.com.br or via phone (+55 11) 3060-2297.
*Translated by Sérgio Kakitani