Browsing: #Arab Chamber

‘Global Halal Market: trends, regulation and opportunities’ will be hosted on June 10 by the Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, on which occasion it will enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Dubai Airport Free Zone.

Digital influencers are trendsetters when it comes to boosting international sales online, and chatbots and simultaneous translation help in interacting with clients in different countries. So said Arab and Brazilian specialists during a webinar hosted by the Arab Chamber this Wednesday (27).

In webinar, Egyptian startup Robusta CEO Hussein Mohieldin talked about how the digital transformation ushered in by the pandemic has impacted the behavior of Arab consumers. Online conference was hosted by the Arab Chamber on Wednesday (27).

Brazilian and Arab specialists talked about legal safety and how to deal with domestic and international contracts in the period. Lectures occurred in webinar hosted by the Arab Chamber on Wednesday (20).

In Arab Chamber webinar, KPMG market leader André Coutinho advised businesspeople on the importance of planning for when the social distancing measures are over, considering potential market changes.

Brazil’s Tereza Cristina will speak from Brazil. Union of Arab Chambers secretary-general Khaled Hanafy will join in from Egypt. Arab Chamber president Rubens Hannun will give an introductory speech. The webinar takes place April 8, 9 am (BRT), with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese and English. Registrations are open.