São Paulo – The Arab Brazilian Chamber of Commerce has established a committee to identify the demands of Arab governments and institutions for essential products during the COVID-19 pandemic. The committee will work in partnership with Brazilian entities and associations to find companies that can supply the sought-out goods, mostly of them foodstuffs. There are already demands for maize, sugar, soy, poultry and beef from the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt.
Arab Chamber secretary-general Tamer Mansour said that, through its international office in Dubai, UAE, the Arab Chamber started receiving requests from Arab governments asking for help to find suppliers of key products during the pandemic. “We’ve established this strategic committee to work with other organizations and meet these demands,” Mansour said.
The Arab Chamber will identify potential suppliers and share their contact information with the governments and institutions it works with. The companies will deal directly with the other party in the Arab country, without the involvement of the Arab Chamber.
The secretary-general points out that these demands from Arab governments aim at making stocks to assure the supply of food to their population and not allow for gaps that can cause concern. In addition to these demands, there are businesses taking place between the private sectors in Brazil and the Arab countries that are important for supply. The Arab Chamber wants to find new suppliers because many companies that already serve the Arabs already have contracts and commitments.
If the sales come to fruition, they can help boost the Brazil-Arab countries trade balance. Brazil is a major food supplier to the Arab market. In March, in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic in both regions, Brazilians stepped up exports of foods and beverages to the Arab countries by 23.2%. Sugar and soy were among the products whose sales increased. Algeria was one of the Arab countries that purchased the most.
The Arab Chamber commercial committee is made up by professionals of the organization and headed by commercial manager Daniella Leite. Brazilian companies interested in meeting the demands can contact by email. The Arab Chamber is open to talk to other entities that wish to support the initiative.
Arab Chamber Commercial Committee
E-mail: comercial@ccab.org.br
Translated by Guilherme Miranda