Brasília – The Brazilian balance of trade posted a deficit US$ 166 million in the second week of June, as a result of US$ 3.767 billion in exports and US$ 3.933 billion in imports, according to information disclosed by the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade today (14th).
As a result of last week’s deficit and the US$ 1.145 billion surplus recorded in the first week of the month, the trade balance in June so far is running a surplus of US$ 979 million. In the two weeks of the month, exports totalled US$ 6.969 billion and imports totalled US$ 5.99 billion.
From January until the second week of June, exports totalled US$ 79.063 billion and imports, US$ 72.475 billion. The resulting trade surplus is US$ 6.588 billion, a figure 41.4% lower than in the same period of 2009 (US$ 11.248 billion).
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum