Brasília – For the eighth time this year, Brazil posted a weekly trade deficit. According to figures supplied by the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, exports in the fourth week of October totalled US$ 4.023 billion, a figure lower than that of imports (US$ 4.121 billion), resulting in a trade deficit of US$ 98 million.
The last weekly trade deficit this year had been recorded in the fourth week of August, and totalled US$ 840 million. So far this month, the balance of trade is running a surplus of US$ 776 million, as against US$ 3.432 billion during the same period in 2007.
So far this month, exports total US$ 14.964 billion and imports, US$ 14.188 billion. In the accumulated result for the year, the trade surplus is now US$ 20.432 billion, the result of US$ 165.832 billion in exports and US$ 145.4 billion in imports. From January until the fourth week of October 2007, the trade surplus was US$ 33.589 billion.
*Translated by Gabriel Pomerancblum