São Paulo – The ministries of Foreign Relations and Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil have issued an Arabic version of the Brazilian Calendar of Exhibition and Fairs 2011, which brings together information about 317 business events in all regions of Brazil and in different sectors of the economy. This is the first time that the publication is translated into the language.
According to information disclosed by the Trade and Investment Promotion Department at the Itamaraty, the calendar’s objective is to simplify businessmen’s access to information on business meetings.
According to the ministry, the version in Arabic is inserted in the government’s effort to diversify foreign trade. It is available on the Internet (read the link below).
The Itamaraty points out that trade relations between Brazil and the Arab countries have grown in a significant manner in the last decade, but that there is a great potential to be explored.
In this sense, according to the ministry, fairs ease the contact between Brazilian businessmen and foreigners, apart from contributing to the economy of the country, through business tourism, for example.
Apart from the Arabic and Portuguese versions, the calendar has versions in English, French, Spanish and Mandarin.
*Translated by Mark Ament